Our LongitudinaLearning™ approach supports learners with skilled TandemCoaches™ to help them translate leadership concepts to on-the-job performance.
LongitudinaLearning™ places a strong emphasis on the learning process, not just the training content. The impact is deeper self-awareness, application of leadership concepts on the job, and development of new insights.

We support all our learners through small group coaching to help further clarify their insights and make impactful behavioral change.
- TandemLead™ Online Training Support
- Customized Training Programs
- Participant-driven Program Design
- Rapid Development Process
This course gave me more confidence and tools as I was coming into my leadership role. Being challenged to put the skills to practice was incredibly valuable- not something you can get just reading any book on leadership.
Sabrina Kamran, Assistant Director Alliances & Business Development, Boston Children’s Hospital
This is a fundamentally necessary course for leaders and coaches of all levels. Weeding out bad habits, focusing on what elevates others.
Michael Crawford, Director of Marketing and Communications

Are You Ready to Work in Tandem?